This is our most popular service. When you own a business, you often need a sounding board for ideas and challenges. The Monthly Coffee matches you with an experienced business owner that can listen, learn, mentor and help you nut things out for yourself. Their role is to ask the difficult questions and extend your thinking.

Together you will develop a plan, then, if needed, we will jump in and help you do what needs doing. It works much like a board meeting without the stress. We will review and monitor all the business vital signs, discuss the month’s performance and plan the next one.

Challenges you face will be discussed in confidence with your fellow Business Consultant -A fellow business owner who understands your business.

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Effective Perspective Consultants have a wealth of experience within our team, but hey, we don’t know everything.

Whatever your business needs, we can provide it or we can find someone who can.

We have a number of specialist firms we work with closely who and can guide you toward expert advice as needed.

You also have access to this skill base and knowledge on a project basis when you need it.

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Most consulting firms give cast iron warranties involving multiple increases of measurable things no one quite understands, conditional on things you don’t have control of.  With Effective Perspective no such guarantees exist.

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